When to Get a Second Surgical Opinion

Surgical consultations and surgeons can be intimidating. You’re already nervous. There are big decisions to be made about your care. How do you know if what is being recommended for your treatment is the right option?


Top Reasons to Seek a Second Surgical Opinion

You should not be afraid to ask difficult questions and should be comfortable with your options to move forward with the recommended surgery. Do you feel that you have been given enough information to make an informed decision about your surgical options? At Complete Care Spine & Orthopedics our patients are shown their MRI’s and receive a thorough explanation of the recommendation to make sure you are able to make an informed decision as a full partner in your surgical care. Our doctors at Complete Care Spine & Orthopedics are happy to provide second and in some cases…third and fourth opinions. We will not move forward until you fully understand your options and are completely comfortable with your decision.

Surgical options are big decisions. You may want to get a second opinion to be sure you are making the right decision. We asked our surgeons about situations where a second opinion may be important. Here are 4 situations that our surgeons feel are important enough for you to get a second surgical opinion to ensure you are getting the most information possible to make the best decision for your surgical care.

When to Get a Second Surgical Opinion

When Spine Surgery is Recommended

Spine issues are just one example of conditions that can leave patients confused about whether they need surgery. A second opinion is most useful when a patient is hesitant or scared to move forward with the recommendation. Often our patients are put at ease knowing the second doctor put significant time into reviewing MRIs, previous treatment plans, and has explored their case beyond just the physical exam. The extra time is valuable in making sure the patient is comfortable with moving forward with the treatment they medically require.

When an Extremity Injury Diagnosis has Been Missed

The diagnosis of shoulder injuries is commonly delayed due to lack of awareness of the potential association between whiplash and Subacromial Impingement and the assumption that all shoulder symptoms emanate from the neck. According to a study on Subacromial Impingement in patients with whiplash, only 27% of patients were diagnosed properly with subacromial impingement syndrome. Most were diagnosed with radicular pain to the shoulder and the shoulder was not considered as a separate complaint.

When Treating Contained Disc Herniations​

In the past, patients with contained disc herniations have been treated with conservative care including rest, medications, injections and/or physical therapy. ​Unfortunately, this does not always provide relief. These patients who did not respond to conservative care were forced to live with the symptoms. At Complete Care Spine & Orthopedics, this may not be the case. Disc-FX® Elliquence provides an option for those people who have failed conservative care and are not yet ready for major surgery.

When Low Back Pain of at Least 6 Months Duration has not Responded to Conservative Care

Vertebral endplates can be a significant source of low back pain. Modic changes and associated endplate damage could lead to vertebrogenic pain. Relievant could be an excellent surgical alternative for these patients.

Those are 4 key situations that the surgeons of Complete Care Spine & Orthopedics recommend a patient get a second surgical opinion. Give our experts a call today at (844) 699-2273 to get started.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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