How to Recover From Car Accident Trauma

A car accident can be one of the most life-altering experiences anyone can face. The physical injuries can range from minor to debilitating — many people must travel a long and uncertain road to recovery. The emotional trauma in the wake of a car accident can also have a significant impact our your well-being. It’s important to recognize that your feelings are not uncommon, and you can manage them with various techniques and coping strategies.

With professional treatment and a strong support system, you can learn to cope with trauma and return to your regular routine after a car accident.

Understanding Emotional Trauma After a Car Accident

Even if people recover fully from their injuries after a crash, the psychological impact can linger for months or even years. Trauma symptoms vary and can affect drivers, passengers, and bystanders alike. You may experience some of the following feelings or symptoms after a car accident. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Many individuals experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a car accident, which can cause long-term feelings of panic, stress and anxiety. Afflicted persons may relive the events through frequent flashbacks and nightmares. Sleep issues, difficulty concentrating and aggressive outbursts can also occur.


Anxiety following a car accident is common and may manifest as intense fearfulness or nervousness. Anxiety may lead to avoidance behaviors, such as skipping work or appointments due to the fear of another accident.


You may feel depressed after a car accident, even if it was minor. Those facing challenges in recovery or living with permanent disabilities may feel hopelessness or grief. People who cause accidents can also experience guilt or shame, especially if others were severely injured, sometimes leading to suicidal thoughts.

When mental health symptoms start interfering with daily functioning, it might be time to seek professional help. With the help of mental health professionals, you can learn ways to manage anxiety, PTSD or depression symptoms and feel more in control after a car accident.

How to Move on from Car Accident Trauma

While the emotional impact of an auto accident can be overwhelming at times, the effects don’t need to be permanently debilitating. These coping skills for trauma after a car crash can expedite the recovery process:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Experiencing post-car accident depression, anxiety or other negative emotions is normal after a traumatic event. You might be in shock in the hours and days following the accident or have trouble wrapping your head around what has just happened or what you’re feeling. Rather than denying these thoughts or trying to avoid them, it’s healthier to recognize their existence and feel the pain.

It’s also important to visit a medical professional for an examination. They can determine whether your shock is masking the pain of injuries and check for brain trauma, which can have long-term effects if left untreated.

2. Talk About the Incident

Getting your feelings out in the open is a crucial step toward your emotional recovery. A trusted relative, friend or clergyperson can listen without judging and provide new insights into your situation. Remember, you’re not the only one who has ever been involved in a severe auto accident — joining a support group with others who share your plight can be invaluable. Discussing your post-car accident depression with like-minded individuals can help you process what has happened, as they can lend an ear and share useful coping strategies to help you during this challenging time.

importance of discussing your post-car accident depression

3. Seek Professional Guidance

You may want to consider seeking mental therapy after a car accident if you find yourself continuing to struggle with negative emotions. A licensed therapist can accelerate the healing process by helping you work through the trauma and recommend coping mechanisms to enable you to overcome it. At Complete Care, our mental health counselors can diagnose post-car accident depression, anxiety and PTSD and help you manage symptoms. Treatment options include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Exposure therapy
  • Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Psychosomatic therapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Solution-focused therapy

4. Stay Active

When in distress or experiencing trauma, it’s easy to forget about our basic needs, such as getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals and staying active. However, increasing exercise is one of the most important things you can do at this time. Movement can be helpful when dealing with negative thoughts and feelings. Regular exercise can improve your mood by releasing endorphins, which are hormones in your body that relieve pain, reduce stress and create a sense of well-being.

5. Practice Self-Care Techniques

Anxiety after a car accident is common, and it can lead to muscle tension, digestive issues and insomnia — making self-care extremely important. Explore relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or mindfulness. These practices can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm and well-being when you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed. Incorporating them into your daily routine can also promote long-term health and wellness. 

Other self-care activities might include spending time in nature, keeping a journal, taking a warm bath, making art or listening to your favorite music.

6. Try Gradual Exposure

If you’re feeling anxious about driving or being a passenger in a car again, it can be helpful to gradually expose yourself to those situations. Start with short, low-stress drives and incrementally increase the duration and complexity of your trips as you feel more comfortable. It’s best to work with a mental health professional for driving exposure who can guide you through the process safely and comfortably. 

Our Auto Injury Treatment Services

At Complete Care, we recognize the crucial role of physical recovery in minimizing car accident trauma. We offer an integrative physical medicine approach comprised of chiropractic care, physiotherapy and rehabilitation to help people recover from their injuries. Examples of our service offerings include interventional pain management, neurology, orthopedic surgery and imaging.

Why Trust Complete Care for Trauma Recovery Services

At Complete Care, we recognize the crucial role of physical recovery in minimizing car accident trauma. We are a multi-specialty office practice and the largest injury care provider in Florida, offering over 28 offices for your convenience. To help people recover from their injuries, we offer a range of musculoskeletal care including chiropractic care, therapy, rehabilitation, interventional pain management, neurology, spine and orthopedic surgery and imaging.

We also offer mental health treatment to address your specific needs and help you process emotions related to the accident. These services can help you manage symptoms and build resilience. We aim to provide comprehensive, compassionate and collaborative care. Consider our patient testimonials to see the difference our services might make in your life.

Learn About Our Counseling Services

Contact Complete Care Today

Don’t let the emotional trauma after a car accident impact your quality of life. The Complete Care team can provide multidisciplinary injury care to enhance your physical recovery and sense of well-being. Our mental health services can treat PTSD, anxiety and depression after a car accident to boost your well-being and help you return to your regular routine. 

Contact us to learn more about our services, or give our team a call at 844-699-2273 today.


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